Weston P, Manual for Managing Government Grant Projects – Phase 2. (an interactive, web-based engagement for field offices). Client: World Vision Australia (July-Nov 2018)
Weston P, 2017, Government Grant Management Manual (and interactive, web-based engagement for field offices). (July 2017-February 2018). Client: World Vision Australia. Funder: Australian DFAT
Weston P, 2017, World Vision Pacific & Timor-Leste 2016 Child Well-being Annual Report. Client: World Vision Pacific and Timor-Leste (July-December 2016)
Weston P, 2016, Forms of Knowledge in Aid and Development, Guest Lecture for Master of Public Policy and International Relations, School of Political Science and International Studies University of Queensland, Australia, 16 May 2016
Birch J, Weston P, Rinaudo T & Francis R, 2016, Releasing the Underground Forest: Case Studies and Preconditions for Human Movements that Restore Land with the Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Method, Ch. 2.7 In Land Restoration: Reclaiming Landscapes for a Sustainable Future. Chabay I, Frick M & Helgeson (eds), Elsevier BV, pp.183-207. ISBN: 978-0-12-801231-4At URL: and
Weston P, Hong R, Kabore C & Kull C, 2015, Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration enhances rural livelihoods in dryland West Africa, Journal of Environmental Management, vol 5, issue 6. pp.1402-1417. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-015-0469-1. At URL:
Francis R & Weston P, 2015, The social, environmental and economic benefits of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), FMNR Hub. At URL:
Weston P & Tsafack F, 2013, ‘Social Return on Investment for evaluation of International Development Projects’, Conference Long Paper, Australian Evaluation Society International Conference, Brisbane, 4 Sept. Conference Program
Weston P, 2013, What’s ‘Value for Money’ all about? Issues and methods in evaluating VfM and a case study applying social return on investment to a land restoration and food production project in Ghana, Presentation: AES Professional Development Seminar, Melbourne, Australian Evaluation Society, 18 July.
Fleming F & Weston P, 2013, Evaluation methods for assessing Value for Money, Melbourne, Better Evaluation. At URL:
Weston P, 2013, Impacts and Programming Responses to Climate Change. Guest Lecture for Master of Public Health degree: Monash University, Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Prahran, Australia. 8 Aug.
Weston P & Kaboré C, 2012, ‘Environmental Evaluation for International Community Development‘, Conference Long Paper, Australian Evaluation Society International Conference, Adelaide, Presentation slides
Weston P, 2012, Development Responses to Climate Change: Analysing and Planning. Guest Lecture to Master of Aid and Development students: Eastern College, Victoria, Australia
Weston P, 2010, ‘West Africa’s Stolen Generation’, Witness Magazine, Vol 90, no. 4
Weston P, Tardiff G, Sullivan T & Dowling M, 2010. World Vision Australia’s testimony and submission to the Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia’s Relations in Africa.
Weston P & Sullivan T, 2009, ‘A Part, Not Apart: Redefining Responses to Disability in Rural Senegal’, Annual Program Review 2009, World Vision Australia. At URL
Weston P & Yule R, 2009, Ch. 10: ‘Fair Trade’, in Another Way to Love: Christian Social Reform and Global Poverty, Costello, T & Yule, R. (eds.), Brunswick East, Victoria, Acorn Press